Risk is ever present in the construction sector, creating uncertainties that can increase costs, erode stakeholder confidence, and negatively impact the delivery of project goals. A professional risk management strategy can reduce uncertainty and promote increased reward.
Global trends are reshaping the construction landscape and the risk dynamic that the industry faces. Urbanization, emerging cities and economies, new technologies, labor demand, climate change and access to project capital are just a few of the factors that have shifted the construction landscape and, with it, the approach to managing risk.
Our team helps you assess risks and opportunities and uncover ways to use working capital more efficiently. We measure your firm’s appetite for risk, recommend solutions that meet your needs.
C.A.R policy (car nel settore rischi edili e cauzioni)
The C.A.R. (Contractor’s All Risks) policy insures companies against material and direct damage to works (during construction or to pre-existing structures) including damage caused involuntarily to third parties.
The recipients of this policy are construction companies that operate in the building and infrastructure sector both for new buildings and for renovations and/or extensions. It is applicable to public works or private contracts both in Italy and abroad. The risks insured are Any accidental damage that occurs on the site, with the exception of specific exclusions, including damage to third parties that takes place during the construction of the works. Additional insurance cover can also be requested in order to provide the contractor or constructor with 360° protection during the construction period of the works.
It offers global cover which is valid for material and direct damage suffered by the works during the construction stage right up until the date the provisional approval certificate or the final approval certificate is issued
For public works, this makes it possible to comply with legal obligations when taking part in tenders
It covers damage to third parties caused by the insured, even if this involves the contractor, subcontractor or purchaser
Fast compensation of repair costs or replacement of damaged goods, safeguarding the constructor from the responsibility of damage caused to objects or people.
Decennial and latent defects insurance (decennale postuma in rischi edili e cauzioni)
Following completion and handover, defects can arise during the life of a building in the structural frame, cladding, foundations or other components.
This can be an area of great concern to employers, developers, tenants, financiers and other parties with an interest in securing the long term protection of their investment in a new building project.
There will usually be problems when trying to recover the full cost of repairs as this will require the damage to be covered under permanent building insurances or proof that a professional consultant or contractor is legally liable to pay for repairs. Change of ownership and lack of contractual relationships complicate the issues and often consultants and contractors do not have adequate insurance at the time of loss to cover the repairs.
Inherent (or latent) defects insurance provides cover for the cost of repairing a property should an inherent defect in the structure cause damage or threaten imminent damage.
It offers a long term protection of the investment in a new building project which cannot be cancelled by insurers and payment of claims on the basis of damage having occurred, giving faster settlement than if legal liability has to be proved.
Global trends are reshaping the construction landscape and the risk dynamic that the industry faces. Urbanization, emerging cities and economies, new technologies, labor demand, climate change and access to project capital are just a few of the factors that have shifted the construction landscape and, with it, the approach to managing risk.
Our team helps you assess risks and opportunities and uncover ways to use working capital more efficiently. We measure your firm’s appetite for risk, recommend solutions that meet your needs.
C.A.R policy (car nel settore rischi edili e cauzioni)
The C.A.R. (Contractor’s All Risks) policy insures companies against material and direct damage to works (during construction or to pre-existing structures) including damage caused involuntarily to third parties.
The recipients of this policy are construction companies that operate in the building and infrastructure sector both for new buildings and for renovations and/or extensions. It is applicable to public works or private contracts both in Italy and abroad. The risks insured are Any accidental damage that occurs on the site, with the exception of specific exclusions, including damage to third parties that takes place during the construction of the works. Additional insurance cover can also be requested in order to provide the contractor or constructor with 360° protection during the construction period of the works.
It offers global cover which is valid for material and direct damage suffered by the works during the construction stage right up until the date the provisional approval certificate or the final approval certificate is issued
For public works, this makes it possible to comply with legal obligations when taking part in tenders
It covers damage to third parties caused by the insured, even if this involves the contractor, subcontractor or purchaser
Fast compensation of repair costs or replacement of damaged goods, safeguarding the constructor from the responsibility of damage caused to objects or people.
Decennial and latent defects insurance (decennale postuma in rischi edili e cauzioni)
Following completion and handover, defects can arise during the life of a building in the structural frame, cladding, foundations or other components.
This can be an area of great concern to employers, developers, tenants, financiers and other parties with an interest in securing the long term protection of their investment in a new building project.
There will usually be problems when trying to recover the full cost of repairs as this will require the damage to be covered under permanent building insurances or proof that a professional consultant or contractor is legally liable to pay for repairs. Change of ownership and lack of contractual relationships complicate the issues and often consultants and contractors do not have adequate insurance at the time of loss to cover the repairs.
Inherent (or latent) defects insurance provides cover for the cost of repairing a property should an inherent defect in the structure cause damage or threaten imminent damage.
It offers a long term protection of the investment in a new building project which cannot be cancelled by insurers and payment of claims on the basis of damage having occurred, giving faster settlement than if legal liability has to be proved.